Youth Leads the Way President's Report Youth Leads the Way America’s Young Workers Drive Increase in Unions’ Popularity Jacques Loveall, President UFCW 8-Golden State As…UFCW 8February 19, 2021
Our Union Family Comes Together for the Holidays and Beyond President's Report Our Union Family Comes Together for the Holidays and Beyond The elections are over at last. Now what? After so many months of over-thetop shouting…UFCW 8November 16, 2020
Social Media Rumor Viruses Spread as Easily as COVID-19 President's Report Social Media Rumor Viruses Spread as Easily as COVID-19 Many times we have thought reading minds would be an amazing super power and how…UFCW 8August 16, 2020
We’ve Got You Covered! President's Report We’ve Got You Covered! UFCW 8 works to ensure your efforts are appreciated and your job is as safe…UFCW 8May 16, 2020
Working Americans Aren’t Fooled by Anti-Union Propaganda President's Report Working Americans Aren’t Fooled by Anti-Union Propaganda It’s hard to escape the hype surrounding Martin Scorcese’s movie The Irishman. Scorcese is one…UFCW 8March 16, 2020
Solidarity Wins! President's Report Solidarity Wins! After Members Ratify Groundbreaking Contracts With 8 Grocery Companies, Our Focus Shifts to Raley’s, Rite…UFCW 8November 1, 2019
Unions and the California Promise President's Report Unions and the California Promise Solidarity is key to overcoming challenges in our Golden State Why is California called the…UFCW 8August 1, 2019
Teach the Children Well President's Report Teach the Children Well Each Generation Benefits from the Union Values of Solidarity With every new generation, the task…UFCW 8May 15, 2019
A Bold Vision President's Report A Bold Vision Gavin Newsom leads California in a new direction for working families. Something extraordinary is…UFCW 8January 3, 2019
Thankfulness in Times of Tragedy President's Report Thankfulness in Times of Tragedy Action is the weapon of hope in its war with despair. In times of…UFCW 8November 12, 2018