The elections are over at last. Now what?
After so many months of over-thetop shouting from every direction, we need to start speaking out as one for the cause we all share, which is to build better lives for ourselves and our loved ones.
To do this, we’ll need to set aside our cultural divisions and reaffirm our resolve to work together.
This is crucial if we want to confront — as we must — the many challenges which confront us in these times, including a stubborn and still-growing viral pandemic.
As a Union, we work together to protect and enhance the safety and welfare of each member. It doesn’t matter how you voted in the last election. It doesn’t matter where you live or how old you are. It doesn’t matter where you were born or what you look like.
We are UFCW 8-Golden State — tens of thousands strong, speaking in a single voice.
A most unusual holiday season We are working during a most unusual holiday season under the shadow of a historic health emergency, a time when the normal stresses of life are compounded by social isolation and concern for the health and safety of ourselves and our friends and loved ones.
How can we cope in a season of good cheer when large indoor gatherings are strongly discouraged by health authorities?
These recommendations need to be followed in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones — especially family and friends who are elderly or have health conditions like diabetes, pulmonary disease, heart disease or cancer.
In this environment, family dinners will be smaller affairs by necessity. And traditional holiday parties will be out of the question.
Nevertheless, the holidays are happening as scheduled, and families and communities continue to celebrate them.
Many of us still will enjoy our Christmas trees and light up our homes. We still will light our Chanukah menorahs and Kwanzaa candles. We still will send holiday cards.
Even if you are unable to be with loved ones, you can take comfort in being part of a large family which cares for you.
I am referring to your Union family. We work in supermarkets, drug stores, packing plants, pharmacies, distilleries, dispensaries, medical offices and other job sites, but we are all bound by our commitment to improve our lives together.
Like any great family, we have stayed united through hard times and good times, and we will continue to do so in the future, whatever comes our way.
As a Union, we live by the motto, “An injury to one is an injury to all.” Or, as the French author Alexandre Dumas put it in The Three Musketeers: “All for one and one for all!”
In the world of unions, we call this spirit of togetherness “solidarity.”
This is the way of our Union family.
On behalf of all of us at UFCW 8-Golden State, we wish you a joyous holiday season and a triumphant year ahead.
Solidarity Works!