The holidays are upon us, which in normal times would mean large social gatherings in homes festooned with seasonal decorations.
In these unusual times, we are strongly advised by health authorities NOT to have large gatherings, especially indoors. But this doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the holidays in joyous and meaningful ways. We can still have family meals, give gifts to friends, decorate our homes and sing our favorite songs of the season.
We can also celebrate the holidays by shopping Union! Doing so protects Union jobs — perhaps even your own.
It’s an easy thing to do. Just go down to your local Union market and purchase your favorite foods, including many beef and poultry products made by members of UFCW 8-Golden State. Our members who work in supermarkets and drug stores can simply shop where they work!
But what do we do when we need to purchase non-food items such as appliances and clothing?
Look around where you do your grocery shopping. Most of the larger food stores carry small appliances and other gift items.
What’s more, many products and services available on line are provided by Union members. Lists of these are featured regularly in issues of Voice of Action, including this one.
Whatever you do, resist the temptation to go down the street to the monster non-Union store to save a buck. Use your hard-earned dollars to protect the jobs of your friends and neighbors.
By far the most important rule for ethical shopping should be a no-brainer: Don’t shop at Walmart! This anti-Union company is still out to destroy the jobs of every Union wage-earner in the retail industry, including yours.
Don’t let your spouse shop at Walmart. Don’t let your children shop at Walmart.
Don’t let your father, sisters, brothers, neighbors or friends shop at Walmart.
Be aware of what you’re buying, who made it and where you’re buying it.
All it takes is a little effort on your part and we can improve the lives of millions of our brothers and sisters. And you’ll feel good about what you’re buying.
Happy holidays from all of us at UFCW 8-Golden State.
And always remember: Solidarity Works!