We have met with Save Mart to discuss the closure of their pharmacies and have resolved several key issues on what would happen if a Pharmacy Technicians decided to stay with Save Mart and work in another department.
Foremost, all pharmacy employees covered under the contract will remain at their same rate of pay and will retain their same seniority date if they choose to move into another department with Save Mart.
Pharmacy Technicians who choose to remain with Save Mart will be able to stay at their current rate of pay and move to the MPC classification at different steps depending upon their current rate of pay and technician certification status. They will move through the steps to the top rate, which will be at least $24.70 by the end of the current agreement. No Pharmacy Techs will suffer a reduction in their hourly rate of pay.
Pharmacy clerks are already classified as Multi-Purpose Clerks (MPC) under the contract and can continue through the MPC wage progressions as they accrue hours in other departments, just as they would have done working in the Pharmacy.
Members who work in the pharmacy and are out on an approved leave of absence will be given the same opportunity to remain with Save Mart under the same conditions upon their return to work.
Union Representatives will be servicing stores to discuss the options each member has. If you have any questions, please contact your District Union Representative.