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Shop Stewards

Shop Stewards: The Eyes, Ears and Heart of the Union Workplace

Since the creation of our Shop Stewards Program in 1985, hundreds of UFCW members have stepped forward to assume their share of the responsibility for the progress of our members.

Our Shop Stewards now make an important contribution to the overall education and communication with the members throughout our vast jurisdiction. New members especially are not fully aware of their rights under the various collective bargaining agreements negotiated and enforced by this Union.

You serve in what is now the largest Union in Northern California and one of the largest in the world. We continue to grow and it is as crucial to our success as ever that all of our members become enlightened men and women who will stand up and fight for what they have worked for and earned.

I congratulate you and thank you for doing your share to strengthen our alliance of workers dedicated to achieving their fair and equitable goals through maximizing the principles of the Trade Union Movement.

JSL VOA 200x274This uniquely great Union belongs to each of us, but it takes our ongoing dedication and hard work to protect and improve what we have achieved together.

It is my pleasure and my honor to work with you in service to the wonderful members we are so privileged to represent.

With warm personal regards,

Fraternally and respectfully,President Jacques Loveall, UFCW 8 – Golden State

jacques signature




stewards eyes ears heart

Our Stewards are the eyes, ears and heart of the Union at the workplace.

Thanks to the Stewards, our Union can respond quickly to violations of contracts, help with grievances and press for improvements in subsequent contracts.

Stewards also help co-workers under stand their contracts and the many benefits and services provided through their Union membership. Above all, the Stewards are leaders at their workplaces!