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Secretary-Treasurer's Report

Looking Forward to a Year of Unity


As we arrive at the closing months of 2016, many of us are concerned about possible changes in policy coming from Washington, D.C.

Time will tell if the new administration will address such issues as income inequality, tax structure, infrastructure improvements, trade policies and labor rights in ways which will contribute in positive ways.

During times of uncertainty and discord in our country, we can be thankful for the protection our Union and our collective bargaining agreements provide for us and our families.

Such protections are guaranteed ONLY to those who are protected by a Union negotiated agreement which is enforceable in a court of law if necessary.

Government can do a lot by increasing funding of schools, fixing the flaws in our health care system and rebuilding our infrastructure to encourage new jobs and keep existing jobs from leaving our shores.

But if we want a stronger economy for everyone, we need a revitalized nation guided by the leadership provided by a strong Union Movement.

Unions empower workers by enabling them to band together and negotiate the terms of their employment from a position of strength.

This is why Union members’ wages are, on average, about 27 percent higher than their non-Union counterparts. They also have better health care, better pensions and better opportunities for advancement.

Unions are why working people with collective bargaining agreements enjoy economic security, superior working conditions and more time to enjoy with their families and friends.

Fortunately, we have a strong Union in UFCW 8- Golden State.

Season of thanks

In this season of giving thanks, I want to say how grateful I am to be part of a Union with such a vital and committed membership.

I am proud to work with others in UFCW 8’s leadership who have embraced forward-thinking, innovative ideas while steering our course with steady hands.

Thanks to you, UFCW 8-Golden State makes a meaningful difference in the lives of working people, from the halls of the State Capitol to the aisles of our local supermarkets, from the offices of the United States Senate and House of Representatives to the poultry and meat processing floors of Fresno, Stockton, Hanford and Turlock, and from the White House to distilleries and medical offices throughout most of California.

Thank you for making it possible through your Solidarity.

I wish you and your families a joyous holiday season and a year of unity and progress ahead.